NEW ORIGINAL T-SHIRTS「GOOD DAY TO DIE」Authentic Super Heavyweight 7.1 oz T-shirtsColor/White x Black Size/XS,S,M,L,XL,XXL Cotton 100% 7.1oz SHW Price ¥4,950(Tax included)Color/White x Blue Size/XS,S,M,L,XL,XXL Cotton 100% 7.1oz SHW Price ¥4,950(Tax included) Color/Charcoal x Gray Size/XS,S,M,L,XL,XXL Cotton 100% 7.1oz SHW Price ¥4,950(Tax included) Color/Charcoal x Mustard Size/XS,S,M,L,XL,XXL Cotton 100% 7.1oz SHW Price ¥4,950(Tax included) Color/Black x White Size/XS,S,M,L,XL,XXL Cotton 100% 7.1oz SHW Price ¥4,950(Tax included) NEW ORIGINAL T-SHIRTSGOOD DAY TO DIE-死ぬにはいい日だ-人生一度きり。悔いのないよう、"一瞬一瞬” を大事に、そして、思いきり楽しんでいきましょう。心からの感動と共に。限りある命を生きている今、明日が来るとは限りません。だからこそ "今" を大切に。授かった命、それが長かろうが、短かろうが、天国に行こうが、地獄に行こうがその瞬間が訪れたとき"GOOD DAY TO DIE"-死ぬにはいい日だ-と、言える人生を。春夏秋冬足早に移ろう季節のよう、瞬く間に過ぎ去ってしまう人生故に。晴れもよし、曇りもよし、雨、雷、吹雪もまたよし。森羅万象すべてとの繋がりを自覚し、自然の摂理を肌で感じながら。People will die someday. A fact no one can avoid as long as they are born as humans. Spring,summer,automn,and winter,the seasons change and show different expressions, it is natural to grow old and get sick too. Cherish the present,living a finite life,Whether it's a long life or a short one, whether it's going to heaven or hell,when the moment comes, "GOOD DAY TO DIE"A life where you can say it's. Sunny is good,cludy is good,rain,thunder and blizzards is good too. Be aware of the connection with all things,Live while feeling the providence of nature. You only live once, live a life without regrets With emotion from the heart. "Have a Good Weekend !
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