9th ORIGINAL T-SHIRTS「INDIAN WISDOM II」Authentic Super Heavyweight 7.1 oz T-shirts9th ORIGINAL T-SHIRTS-INDIAN WISDOM II-「森羅万象すべてとの繋がりを自覚し、自然の摂理を肌で感じながら・・・」ひとには見えない世界も尊重する。大地に根ざし、誇りと謙虚さを兼ね備え、祖先を敬い、次の世代をいたわり、代々受け継がれてきた伝統と共に生きてきたインディアンのライフスタイル、そしてその言葉は、今なお語り継がれています。go back seven generations and look back on your ancestors, and think about your descendants seven generations ahead and act accordingly. -INDIAN WISDOM-SEVEN GENERATIONSIdentify only what you really need and wear it. Grass,trees,mountains,rivers,winds,animals,plants... Be aware of the connection with all things Live while feeling the providence of nature. With emotion from the heart. "Have a Good Weekend !
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